Report of Love4Burma 2012
Thanks for supporting the
Love4Burma non-profit organization with your love and prayers.
It is an exciting year for
Burma. President Obama visited Burma marks a new era for Burma-US relationship.
A new political atmosphere had brought a new hope for the long suffering
country Burma. This is also our beloved country where we have longing for its
blessing from God. Especially in this holiday season we celebrate Jesus Christ
our savior who brought the way, the truth and the life for all the people
including Burma. We also thank Him who is the Creator of the Universe, who is
the one can alter the minds of the ruler, who is the one who guide the
direction of the History.
We continue to support the
Palaung village of Meihan at Lashio, Myanmar. Even though I have no opportunity
to visit there this year, but many people who went to Lashio this year had
brought us most current status from them.
My experience with Meihang
Hope Student Center:
I have visited that
student center twice. It is a program for Palaung kids to attend. The fee
collected is small bag of rice. The student lived in the student center with
Mother Language education. They also attend Burmese regular school as required
by the law to learn Burmese. Most are Pale Palaung. The wife of this center’s
president is a Pale Palaung used to work with Dr. Hermann of Chingmai. This
Center’s president Pastor Chen is from Grace Heaven Orphanage with seminary
During this year I have
heard from Rev. Cha of Burma and Rev. Paul Lee of Partner Internationals about
the new status of this student center. They had received a Micro-loan from
Singapore last year to plant corns in order to support more students. The
project turned out quite successfully. They have good harvest this summer.
(With the current flooding happened in Lashio this winter we have no news yet.)
They have some needs for
us to pray. Their cars are old and out of permits soon due to their law
changes. They will need a car/truck soon. This request is still out of our
capability and also not within our focus. But, it can be in our prayers.
We also received a report in
June, 2012 from Pastor Chen in English. I have posted in the previous web site, but
replace the pictures with the pictures I took on 2008.
Tax-Exempt Status - Federal
This year 9/27/2012 we got IRS 501©(3) Federal Tax Exempt,
exempt date: 4/29/2010
We are pleased to
inform you that upon review of your application for tax
Exempt status. we have
determined that you are exempt from Federal income tax
under section 501(c)
(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to you are
deductible under
section 170 of the Code. You are also qualified to receive
tax deductible
bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106
or 2522 of the Code.
Because this letter could help resolve any questions
regarding your exempt
status, you should keep it in your permanent records.
Organizations exempt
under section 501(c) (3) of the Code are further classified
as either public
charities or private foundations. We determined that you are
a public charity under
the Code section(s) listed in the heading of this
Employer Identification
Public Charity Status:
170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) ~.'.
Effective Date of
April 29, 2010
Addendum Applies:
Tax-Exempt Status – California State
We have applied Form 3500
for CA Tax Exempt, it is still in progress. In the mean time since we received
IRS Tax Exempt Determination, therefore, we also applied Form 3500A for quick
(Update on 1/19/2013 We have received CA Tax Exempt status thru 3500A effective date: April 29,2010)
If you are moved by the Spirit and would like to support this non-profit organization, please send the check to:
18820 Newsom Ave.,
Cupertino, CA. 95014
(A tax-deductable receipt will be provided at the end of Tax Year)
(If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email to
Last Words
I don’t know how this tiny
Love4Burma nonprofit charity organization can do. But we pray that God’s
love can be known everywhere and glory to God alone!
May God bless you all!
Wen-Jen Chen
President (Servant) of Love4Burma